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Unilever Ben & Jerry's

1Vullijn Streamline Hd

Hygienic cable management system

In an interview with Leon ter Braak (QA Officer), he shares his experience about the hygienic cable support system Streamline HD;

“When the line engineer also saw the practical benefit, he presented the idea to the MT and approved it. The first reactions are positive. It looks sleek. The cables run through it nicely and you have room to clean.”

Benj 105 (2)

Extra Added Value

In addition to cleanability, Leon also talks about the extra added value of Streamline HD in the interview;

“Upgrading an existing installation with Streamline HD pays for itself. It makes the installation more flexible and easier in terms of maintenance. This simply saves the Technical Service a lot of time and work”

Curious about the whole interview? Read here;
Hygienic cabling at a Unilever factory - Safe Food Factory

Photo: Leon ter Braak (r), QA Officer Unilever Ben & Jerry's
Michael Evers (l), Business Development Manager NIEDAX GROUP

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